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Indiana Math

Geometry: Geometry Foundations


Not covered
Describe the structure of and relationships within an axiomatic system (undefined terms, definitions, axioms and postulates, methods of reasoning, and theorems) and explain differences among supporting evidence, counterexamples, and actual proofs. (E)
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Not covered
State, use, and examine the validity of the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of conditional (“if – then”) and bi-conditional (“if and only if”) statements.
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Mostly covered
Develop geometric proofs, including those involving coordinate geometry, using two-column, paragraph, and flow chart formats.


Not covered
Prove, construct, and apply theorems about parallel and perpendicular lines, parallel lines and transversals, vertical angles, and perpendicular bisectors. (E)
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Not covered
Use tools to explain and justify the process to construct congruent segments and angles, angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors, altitudes, medians, parallel and perpendicular lines, and parallel lines and transversals.
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